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These docs are for v2024.01. Click to read the latest docs for v2025.01.

Online Ordering

There's a good chance our mutual customers want you to support online ordering. Having a menu integration is the first step to getting there. The second is sending WM an external_id when creating menu items, which equates to the unique identifier of an item for a menu in your system. Weedmaps will then provide this value back to you, along with a quantity being purchased, during the checkout process. This version makes the external_id required, which means you're almost all the way there on the menu side.


Cart Quantity Multipliers

When someone adds an item to a cart in Weedmaps, one of those items may not equal one item in yours. For example, a WM consumer may add an 1/8th to their cart that we treat as a single item. You, on the other hand, may want to receive that as someone purchasing a quantity of 3.5 and not 1. To account for this, you can provide a cart_quantity_multiplier value on both the root menu item object and any variants you're sending over.

The next step in the process is completing any legal paperwork between your organization and Weemdaps. Please reach out to [email protected] to kick off that process.

While you're waiting on legal, feel free to peruse our Online Ordering guides.