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These docs are for v2024.01. Click to read the latest docs for v2025.01.

Getting Started

Getting Started

This guide provides instructions for how to use the Weedmaps Orders API (ordering-related callback and update resources). This instruction set assumes that the integrated POS system has an existing Live Menu Integration

If your retail clients have a Live Menu Integration and are WM Orders enabled, all orders placed through Weedmaps will be transmitted to your configured, integrated point-of-sale (POS) system through callback events. As an integrated platform, it is your responsibility to decide how to handle these events to relay the orders accordingly.

This interface not only provides a channel to transmit orders to integrated POS platforms, but also supports communication back to the customer/patient through the Weedmaps UI. When adjustments or status updates are communicated back to Weedmaps, we will update the customer/patient accordingly.

The primary component the communication channels is the Order object. Often referred to as the payload, the Order object is the JSON-formatted representation of an Order in the Weedmaps ecosystem and will be used to communicate changes related to the respective order request.

Understanding the Documentation

Throughout the documentation, you will see URL examples such as /oos/2024-01/merchants/{merchantId}/orders/{orderId}. This is the endpoint to update an order. The URL breaks down like this:

  • /oos/2024-01 — This is a shortened version of the base URL,, which is needed for every call made.


Weedmaps uses OAuth 2.0 as the primary authorization mechanism. For more information about OAuth 2.0, refer to

Before you're able to integrate with the Orders API, you must request an access token. This access token must be submitted with all requests. Weedmaps' Network Partner APIs can only be accessed via HTTPS, regardless of the environment.